What will happen if we stand…..
Over 175,000 women have deployed to a combat region since the Persian Gulf War. Are you one of them?
Welcome to Alongside the Project
We are not a retreat
We are not an escape
Come as you are….leave better.
The Triad
Digital Cleanse
Our hyper-connectivity to the world enhances our efficiency in communications. It also distracts and overloads us, as an average person spends 11 hours connected. Some of us remember when we could leave our phones at home. We do this for the project.
Veteran and First Responder Peer Campfire Counsel
Therapy that is not licensed but shared between each other peer to peer. Sharing perspective and providing a safe place for seeking validation. Not a complaint session. This is where we grow.
Trails, Bikes, Skis, Community
Therapy tools can be tangible and you can use them throughout your life. We will help provide the stability and freedom to continue to thrive after you leave the project.
The goal: mindfulness for your daily life.
Tribe • Team • Community •
Discover your strength
Wish to contribute?
Alongside and the people who participate in our project are supporting the cultivation of project-based mental health.